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Day ten:

New Barduino coocreation! We are very happy on how the Barduino is working, but there is always space for improving. We would like to know how do you imagine the Barduino 4.1, the next version of the Barduino. Creat an sketch of your ideal board, showing what you miss on the Barduino or what would you add to it to make it even better. You can change the shape and pins, just be creative and imagine everything is possible. You can share an image of a sketch and a explanation of your ideas.

Here is my sketch, I imagine a Barduino with the shape of Fablab Barcelona logo, with a very simple base board where you can connect different stacking shields, and extend it using I2C and/or SPI connections on the sides like a puzzle piece. Let's see which ideas you have, an maybe we will make the Barduino 4.1 based on your ideas!

Hero shot
