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Adventronics Calendar Challenge

1. Light me up! (1)

Day 01

  1. 💡

2. Say cheeeeese! 🧀 (1)

Day 02

  1. Be creative

3. Sticker Challenge (1)

Day 03

  1. Let's see your graphic design skills

4. Talk morse to me (1)

Day 04

  1. -... .- .-. -.. ..- .. -. ---

5. Jingle Bells! (1)

Day 05

  1. Sing with me

6. Barduino wishes you a Merry Christmas! (1)

Day 06

  1. Don't forget the stamp

7. Pianino (1)

Day 07

  1. Play me!

8. Will you get the lowest temperature? (1)

Day 08

  1. Challenge accepted

9. LED's get artistic (1)

Day 09

  1. Try using one of those apps: Iphone Android

10. Can you imagine the new Barduino? (1)

Day 10

  1. How it should be?

11. Christmas lights (1)

Day 11

  1. Colorful lights

12. Ligth a candle in the dark (1)

Day 12

  1. Try using the light sensor...

13. Visual effects (1)

Day 13

  1. Maybe with p5js?

14. Dress me up (1)

Day 14

  1. Protect me

15. Keyboard (1)

Day 15


16. Let's play! (1)

Day 16

  1. Can I be the controller?

17. How AI imagines me? (1)

Day 17

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words

18. How is the weather? (1)

Day 18

  1. Check this API

19. Let's party! (1)

Day 19

  1. 🏓

20. Change my name (1)

Day 20

  1. How should I be called in the future?

21. ChatGPT can you help me write a Cristmas card? (1)

Day 21

  1. From the Barduino?

22. Let's send it to someone (1)

Day 22

  1. From Barduino with love 💌

23. Barduino meets traditions (1)

Day 23

  1. Make me feel part of the family

24. Caga tioino (1)

Day 24

  1. Don't forget I'm from Barcelona!

Made with 💜 from Fablab Barcelona 🛠