Adventronics Calendar Challenge
1. Light me up! (1)
2. Say cheeeeese! (1)
- Be creative
3. Sticker Challenge (1)
- Let's see your graphic design skills
4. Talk morse to me (1)
- -... .- .-. -.. ..- .. -. ---
5. Jingle Bells! (1)
- Sing with me
6. Barduino wishes you a Merry Christmas! (1)
- Don't forget the stamp
7. Pianino (1)
- Play me!
8. Will you get the lowest temperature? (1)
- Challenge accepted
- Try using one of those apps: Iphone Android
- How it should be?
- Colorful lights
- Try using the light sensor...
- Maybe with p5js?
- Protect me
- Can I be the controller?
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Check this API
- How should I be called in the future?
- From the Barduino?
- From Barduino with love
- Make me feel part of the family
- Don't forget I'm from Barcelona!
Made with from Fablab Barcelona